Is Central Texas College Regionally or Nationally Accredited?

Regional accreditation is a highly sought-after credential for any college or university. It is especially important if you want to transfer credits to another institution or pursue a graduate program. In Texas, public colleges and universities may deny the transfer of credits in courses with a grade of “D” in courses in the basic curriculum, curriculum courses in the student's field of study, or specialty.

The BSW program at Texas A&M University in Central Texas

is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).If you have questions about Central Texas College accreditation, contact the University Commission at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia, 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500.

Central Texas A&M University is accredited by the University Commission of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate, master's and education specialist degrees. Central Texas College provides accessible, quality educational opportunities that support a diverse student population and promote student success, completion, and employability. The School of Business Administration is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) to award the BAAS in Business; a degree in accounting, information information systems, finance, human resource management, management and marketing; an MBA and a master's degree in leadership, accounting and information systems from One Planet. All successfully completed lower division academic courses identified by the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) and contained in the Lower Divisions Academic Course Guide Manual (AGCM) are fully transferable between Texas public colleges and universities.

Central Texas College

is accredited by the Universities Commission of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate degrees and certificates of completion.

It was established by a vote of the citizens of Central Texas in 1965 to serve the western section of Bell County (Texas) and Coryell County. Official transcripts should be mailed from each college or university to CTC Student Services-Incoming Transcripts in Killeen, Texas. Because of its proximity to the U. S. Army facility in Fort Hood, Central Texas College has a large number of students affiliated with the military.

Students who enroll in CTC courses to transfer to another college or university should consult with their advisor at the receiving institution to ensure that the courses are accepted into their program of study. Official transcripts from all regionally accredited colleges and universities that they have previously attended are required if they wish to obtain a degree or certificate from CTC, intend to use financial aid or veterans' education benefits from CTC, request an official evaluation of previous learning experiences, or if they want to determine their status in the Texas Initiative for Success (TSI). As a general rule, four-year colleges and universities will accept a maximum of 66 semester credit hours of academic (not work education) courses from the lower divisions for a bachelor's degree. Learn more about regional accreditation and the academic programs and accredited schools at Central Texas A&M University. In addition to its headquarters in Texas, CTC is still present in more than 20 U.

military installations. The US, Europe and other deployed locations offer more than 100 fully online programs.

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